Friday, July 15, 2011

Shop Local!

There's a reason the COG's ends statement is to

Build a vibrant economy by promoting personal wellness, cultivating a strong local foods network and celebrating a healthy, diverse and sustainable community.

10 reasons to shop locally
  1. The taxes paid by local businesses help to support our community. 47% of the local tax burden in Minnesota is paid by businesses. Without their support, everyone's property taxes would be higher. (The COG is a for profit business, so it will positively impact our tax base.)
  2. Spending $100 at a locally owned business keeps $68 within the local economy. (We intend to surpass the amount of dollars that stay in our community by partnering with area growers.)
  3. Spending $100 at a non-locally owned business keeps $43 within the local economy.
  4. Shopping online keeps $0 within our community. (Talk about travel-weary food!)
  5. Community groups and non-profits are heavily dependent upon local businesses for charitable donations. (Our member-owners get to decide.)
  6. Local businesses make up a significant portion of the employee base, providing more jobs for you and your family. (The COG will employ 15-20 full and part time people.)
  7. Local businesses are largely responsible for attracting more people, more business and more opportunities to our community. (The COG looks to rehab an existing building downtown.)
  8. Local businesses are generally more knowledgeable and have friendlier customer service. (Bet on it!)
  9. Shopping locally saves you gas and time. (Easy in and out.)
  10. If we do not support our local businesses, they will not survive! (Without Founding Members, we will not open.)
(Source: Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce's Buy Local First)

COG is a community-owned grocery, proudly owned by the members it serves and welcomes all to shop, dine and participate.  Help us open our doors by becoming a Founding Member for a one-time fee of $200.

Visit our website at See you at the COG!

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